• Sermons
  • Theology

Lessons From the Mountain

Life on the journey with God often feels like a switchback trail up a mountain.
We may wonder if we’re progressing forward or upward at all. Have the past 2, 5, or 10 years been a waste?

Striking Parallels: Why Jesus Died

We live in a world darkened… stained by sin. Sin = anything we, as humans, think, say, or do that is contrary – opposite to God’s way of love and truth. We face the effects and consequences of sin – death and evil and destruction are everywhere. Depravity is, perhaps, the most empirically verifiable fact in the world.
So, is there any hope? Is there mercy for broken, messed up humanity?

The Church Must Die

During our recent journey through the Gospel of Mark, God has gripped my heart with a vision of truth and a clarity that I can’t shake.
Our church needs to die.
We could even say the Church – every Jesus-following, gospel-breathing, Bible-proclaiming ekklesia – must die.
Our pastors need to die.
Our elders need to die.
Our deacons need to die.
All the members need to die.
For as long as we’re clutching onto our lives, we’ll never live. Read on…. .

Life’s End

“How we live our days is how we live our lives,” someone once remarked. 
On our return home from youth group last week at Faircreek Church, I diverted upward into a poignant hillside cemetery overlooking Beaver Valley. Humorous questions erupted from our back seats . . .

Peace in the Darkness

One glance at the 6pm broadcast or a social media feed gives us a smack-in-the-face reminder that the 24-hour news cycle marches on with negativity and collective anxiety. Songwriter Andrew Peterson recently lyricized . . .

Hope is Alive!

Hope is alive! Today, I’m emotionally processing the recent death of my dear grandma, Nancy Breznau. I was privileged to be her pastor for five years. The older she grew, the more resolute in hope she became. . .